The Game

Putting aside any frustration that the title may have caused, here is my game for the project. If you could define it as a game.
The original idea behind the game was kind of similar to Akinator, if anyone remembers that. Essentially to define or find “things” based on a series of questions. The key difference being that this game would use apophatic techniques of questioning, rather than “yes” or “no” questions. Mostly a novelty, also to introduce people to the basics of the concept. Unfortunately there is the issue of the fact that I don’t have the skills or means to procedurally generate questions from the vast database of the internet. There is also the fact that apophatic techniques are hard to use if you don’t have a clear goal of what you are trying to define. I instead settled on this tiny and comedic (if you could even call it that) choose your own adventure sequence.